William Lane at O'Conner, Parsons, Lane & Noble
Please Leave us a Review

959 South Springfield Avenue, 2nd Floor
Springfield, New Jersey 07081
Springfield, New Jersey 07081
Auto Accident, Employment, Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury
Reviews and Testimonials
Joseph A Sullivan
- Jul 23 2020 Have had several meetings with different attorneys regarding different situations. Malpractice, employment disputes, employee bullying. Found each attorney to be professional and knowledgeable regarding the circumstances. Could not recommend any firm more highly.
Bruce Magaw
- Jun 24 2020 I have worked with this firm on multiple cases. They are a top shelf firm with top shelf lawyers.
Connor Dunnigan
- Jun 22 2020 Professional, respectful, compliant with the Judicial system.
Rick Bause
- Apr 22 2020 No personal experience. My son works for the firm. He's an excellent lawyer working for an excellent firm.
Mark Sacco
- Apr 22 2020 The team was outstanding with handling my closing. They were involved and supportive throughout the process handling everything that needed to be addressed. I would highly recommend them.
Mark Sacco
- Apr 22 2020 The team was outstanding handling my closing from start to finish. The team was available, informative and guiding with every step. I highly recommend them.
Karen Sullivan
- Mar 24 2020 I found the Senior Partner, Paul O’Connor incredibly professional and compassionate. Would highly recommend this Law Firm.
- Mar 23 2020 O'Connor Parson Lane and Noble are some of the very best at what they do.
Dan Wrieden
- Feb 24 2020 Greg Nobel is one of the most decent and kind people I have ever met. He, and his team handled my case with incredible professionalism, tenacity, and vigor. I would recommend contacting the firm if you are experiencing a hostile work environment at your job. I was very impressed by their services.
Kelly Butrico
- Feb 21 2020 Highly professional and knowledgeable staff.
Joan Carbone
- Feb 20 2020 Bill Lane managed my complex and difficult medical malpractice case in a way that completely took the burden off of me, so I could concentrate on my recovery. More importantly he aggressively sought compensation for me which brought about a larger than expected award. He was professional and empathetic and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him to any friends or family members who needed an attorney to fight for them.
Robert Gorelick
- Feb 20 2020 Professional, Honest, and Trustworthy
Ashley Moreno
- Feb 20 2020 As a former client of O'Connor, Parsons, Lane & Noble I can truly say that the firm worked to achieve the most optimal results for my case. They behaved in the most professional and efficient way possible. I would both recommend them to anyone, and would work with them again if need be.
Lynn Esposito-Marshall
- Feb 20 2020 Professional colleague
Julian Meloni
Feb 07 2020 I trust them with any of the problems that i have ran into. They never have let me down.
Stephen Tomicki
Nov 21 2019 Very helpful and attentive, they listen
kevin roster
Mar 22 2019 Currently my lawyer (Mr. William Lane Jr) in med/mal matter. I feel I’ve been competently represented. I haven’t had trouble getting the man himself on the phone or via email. They have stayed in touch and moved quickly and efficiently within the system to represent my best interests and that of my family. I do not know what the conclusion of my case will be yet but outcome isn’t always the deciding factor in deciding if counsel is adequately advocating for his client. I can say Bill Lane Jr is and would recommend him.
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Contact William Lane at O'Conner, Parsons, Lane & Noble