Richard Horder Attorney
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Promenade II, 1230 Peachtree St N.E.
Suite 3600
Atlanta, GA 30309
Atlanta, GA 30309
Rick Horder has engaged in the practice of environmental law and litigation for nearly forty years. As an Assistant United States Attorney from 1974 to 1977, he represented the U.S. EPA in numerous water and NEPA cases. From 1978 to 1989, he was Regional Counsel, and later Associate General Counsel, for Georgia-Pacific Corporation, where he was responsible for all environmental and toxic tort compliance and litigation company-wide. In 1989, he joined Kilpatrick Stockton LLP, a large Atlanta law firm, where he served as head of the Environmental, Land Use, and Natural Resources Practice Team in Atlanta.
Reviews and Testimonials
Henry Parkman, Of Counsel, Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP
- Feb 23 2022 I heartily endorse Rick Horder as a mediator for complex environmental disputes. The wealth of experience and subject matter knowledge that Rick acquired as an advocate is invaluable to his service as a mediator. In addition, Rick is sensitive to the dynamics of the resolution process, including when to share candid assessments with mediating parties. It is essential for a mediator to be committed, and Rick brings that trait to the mediation process. Rick’s knowledge, experience and guidance were vital to resolution of a challenging lawsuit involving multiple federal and state-law claims and defenses among multiple parties and insurers in a recent two-day mediation.
Donald D. J Stack, Partner, Stack & Associates P.C.
- Feb 23 2022 Stack & Associates, P.C., has utilized Rick Horder as the Mediator in numerous highly-complex and nuanced mutli-party mediations and is consistently impressed by his ready comprehension of the issues and ability to ultimately bridge wide gulfs to reach satisfactory outcomes for all parties. His high level of technical and practical knowledge of both complex environmental issues and litigation in general makes him particularly suited to facilitating resolutions in these arenas. Rick Horder's list of accomplishments during his decades of practice speaks for itself, and, importantly, carries seamlessly over into his skill as a mediator.
Lewis B. Jones, Partner, King & Spalding
- Feb 23 2022 I cannot recommend Rick’s mediation services strongly enough, especially for complex environmental matters. I recently engaged Rick for a seemingly intractable matter. While we were not able to resolve it, we got closer than anybody expected due in large measure to Rick's creativity, persuasiveness, and guidance. Rick is extremely efficient because he is a quick study, and he is able to identify and help the parties focus on the key points immediately. Also, because his knowledge and judgment are universally respected, his blunt assessments have an impact. He is also persistent in exploring new and different options to structure a potential deal. As a testament to his effectiveness, he was the only mediator proposed by any of the three parties in our case, despite their widely divergent interests and backgrounds. I will not hesitate to engage Rick again and encourage others to do so as well.
William M. Droze, Partner, Troutman Pepper
- Feb 23 2022 Mediation for a client can present many difficult scenarios, especially with environmental litigation which, can have legal, engineering, health, science, and property dimensions. Having a mediator who understands these dimensions, and who can articulate the strengths and weaknesses within them, is key to a successful mediation result. Rick Horder does understand them, and his mastery of the mediation process made him a key part of our successful resolution of a very complicated case.
April Lipscomb, Senior Attorney, Southern Environmental Law Center
- Feb 23 2022 Rick is an outstanding mediator. He brings extensive environmental law experience to the table, which allows him to understand the issues quickly and to ask thoughtful questions. He has a keen ability to think creatively about settlement options, and his methodology is skillful and persistent. In my opinion, Rick's guidance gives the parties their best chance at a successful settlement
Kevin Jeselnik, General Counsel, Chattahoochee Riverkeeper
- Feb 23 2022 Rick uses his great legal mind and deep experience in environmental law to quickly and concisely get to the heart of any issue. More than that, I know Rick is bringing integrity and honesty any time I work with him, whether he is opposing counsel in litigation or guiding us through negotiations as a mediator. Bringing Rick in for mediation on complex environmental cases is a no brainer.
Douglas A. Henderson, Partner, King & Spalding
- Feb 23 2022 Rick Horder is a first-rate mediator for complex environmental disputes. Especially for highly technical environmental disputes which involve multiple regulatory requirements, Rick is terrific at identifying linchpin issues, encouraging parties to develop technical solutions for technical issues, and then taking the technical issues off the table. Because Rick has spent his career trying cases and settling disputes, he knows first-hand the uncertainty and costs associated with protracted litigation, and he understands that dispute resolution is often about more than money or the law. Rick’s frank evaluations of the strengths and weaknesses of each side’s position as mediator can assist the parties to resolve their dispute, and that’s the number one skill that effective mediators should have.
Gerald Pouncey, Chairman, Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP
- Feb 23 2022 Over the years I have used Rick Horder as mediator in a number of mediations involving environmental matters. He has done an outstanding job in each instance. He immediately establishes a credible and qualified presence to the participants. I have also been impressed by his ability to quickly determine and dissect the strengths and weaknesses of each party’s case and communicate those in a succinct and understandable fashion. I have also seen him propose novel resolutions which further each of the party’s interests. These traits allow him, as a third party, to communicate candidly to the parties in a manner such that the parties are receptive to these communications, resulting in a resolution that more reasonably reflects the relative merits of the case. We have ultimately resolved each of the matters in which he served as a mediator. I cannot recommend him more highly.
Hutton Brown, Senior Attorney, Southern Environmental Law Center
- Feb 23 2022 I have used Rick on several of the most complicated environmental cases that I have ever handled. In each case, I was skeptical of whether the case could be settled because the parties' positions were so far apart and the cases were so challenging factually and legally. Rick was able to settle the cases because he has a unique ability to comprehend the legal and technical issues and also, importantly, because his long experience practicing environmental law gives both sides confidence in his ability to remain fair and impartial. I highly recommend him.
Andrew Thompson, Partner, Smith, Gambrell & Russell, LLP
- Feb 23 2022 I recently utilized Rick as a mediator in a long-running and hotly contested environmental litigation. Rick’s in-depth knowledge of CERCLA, over forty years of environmental law experience, and common sense were invaluable in assisting the parties in reaching a resolution of the case. Rick was very effective in identifying the key legal and factual issues in the case, was creative in offering options for working through impasses in the settlement negotiations, and was determined in encouraging the parties to fully evaluate the strengths and risks of their respective positions. I definitely would use Rick again as a mediator in a wide variety of environmental cases.
Steven Woodruff
- May 17 2018 Rick is an excellent environmental attorney and a leader in his line of work. His work and expertise is beyond compare.
Thomas Pronesti
- Oct 03 2017 Richard is a featured attorney on and we highly recommend his services.
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