Charles Robertson at Charles H. Robertson Family Law
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8350 N. Central Expressway, Suite 1111
Dallas, TX 75206
Dallas, TX 75206
The way I describe my family law practice is simple: I seek unconventional solutions to conventional problems. Throughout my career, I have been recognized for taking innovative approaches to legal problems in Texas. My work has helped shape the law in our state and the way attorneys here practice it. It has helped shape the lives of my clients and other people in my community. When I take a case, I always strive to make my client's life better through my actions. It is the way I practice law, and it is the way that I run my Dallas, Texas, law firm.
Reviews and Testimonials
Thomas Pronesti
- Oct 05 2017 Charles is a featured attorney on and we highly recommend his services.
Mary Cornthwaite
Jan 04 2020 An amazing attorney who work tirelessly to protect our kids! I have so much appreciation and could never thank him enough for all his work.
Cates Family
Jan 04 2020 Amazing! Smart, dependable and ethical. Charles Robertson and his staff were amazing in our custody suit. I would highly recommend him!
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Contact Charles Robertson at Charles H. Robertson Family Law